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Sources and Destinations

A PowerAPI Formula uses Sources and Destinations in order to retrieve metrics and store estimations.

For each Source/Destination the parameters to specify are different. For each one of them, its parameters are specified in following sections.


Name Source Destination CLI input/ouput parameter value JSON type tag parameter value
MongoDB Yes Yes mongodb mongodb
InfluxDB2 No Yes influxdb2 influxdb2
CSV Yes Yes csv csv
Socket Yes No socket socket
File Database Yes Yes filedb filedb
Prometheus No Yes prometheus prometheus


If you want to use a Mongo Database in your Formula, you have to specify mongodb as the type of a puller (Source) or a pusher (Destination).


The list of accepted parameters are:

Parameter Type CLI shortcut Default Value Mandatory Description
uri string u (U for HWPCSensor) N/A Yes The IP address of your MongoDB instance
db (database for HWPCSensor) string d (D for HWPCSensor) N/A Yes The name of your database
collection string c (C for HWPCSensor) N/A Yes The name of the collection inside db
name string n "puller_mongodb" (Source), pusher_mongodb (Destination) No The related puller/pusher name. This parameter is not used by HWPCSensor
model string m "HWPCReport" (Source), PowerReport (Destination) No The Report type stored by the database

JSON File Excerpt

Below you find a configuration excerpt for this kind of Source/Destination.

  "type": "mongodb",
  "uri": "mongodb://",
  "db": "test",
  "collection": "prep"

The default port for MongoDB is 27017

Influx DB 2

If you want to use InfluxDB 2 in your Formula as Destination, you have to specify influxedb2 as the type of a pusher.


The list of accepted parameters are:

Parameter Type CLI shortcut Default Value Mandatory Description
uri string u N/A Yes The IP address of your Influxdb instance. It can contain the port number
db string d N/A Yes The name of your bucket (database)
port int p None N/A The port of communication. It is not mandatory if it is indicated in the uri
token string k N/A Yes The token for accessing the database. The token owner must have write/read permissions on the bucket
org string g N/A Yes The name of the organization associated to the bucket
tags string t N/A No The report tags
name string n "pusher_influxdb2" No The related pusher name
model string m "PowerReport" No The Report type stored by the database

InfluxDB2 can only be used as a Destination.

JSON File Excerpt

Below you find an example of configuration excerpt for this kind of Destination.

  "model": "PowerReport",
  "type": "influxdb2",
  "uri": "",
  "port": 8086,
  "db": "influxdb2",
  "org": "org_test",
  "token": "mytoken"


If you want to use a CSV file in your Formula as Source or Destination, you have to specify csv as the type of a puller or a pusher.


The list of accepted parameters are:

Parameter Type CLI shortcut Default Value Mandatory Description
files(Source) string f Empty list No The list of input CSV files with the format file1,file2,file3...
directory (Destination, uri for HWPCSensor) string d (U for HWPCSensor) Current directory No The directory where output CSV files will be written
name string n "puller_csv" (Source), "pusher_csv" (Destination) No The related puller/pusher name. This parameter is not used by HWPCSensor
model string m "HWPCReport" (Source), "PowerReport" (Destination) No The Report type stored in CSV files. This parameter is not used by HWPCSensor

JSON File Excerpt

Below you find an example of configuration excerpt for this kind of Source/Destination.

  "type": "csv",
  "directory": "/tmp/sensor_output/"


If you want to use a TCP socket in your Formula as Source, you have to specify socket as the type of a puller. This Source is made for stream mode active only.


The list of accepted parameters are:

Parameter Type CLI shortcut Default Value Mandatory Description
port int p N/A Yes The port of communication
name string n "puller_socket" No The related puller name
model string m "HWPCReport" No The Report type managed by the socket

JSON File Excerpt

Below you find an example of configuration excerpt for this kind of Source.

  "type": "socket",
  "port": 8080

File Database

If you want to use a File Database as Source/Destination in your Formula your have to specify filedb as the type of a puller or a pusher. The File Database is made for stream mode only. It should contain only the last report when used as a Destination.


The list of accepted parameters are:

Parameter Type CLI shortcut Default Value Mandatory Description
filename int f N/A Yes The name of the file
name string n "pusher_filedb" No The related pusher name
model string m "HWPCReport" (Source) "PowerReport" (Destination) No The Report type stored in the file

JSON File Excerpt

Below you find an example of configuration excerpt for this kind of Source/Destination.

  "type": "filedb",
  "filename": /tmp/database/input_file.json


If you want to use a Prometheus instance to expose reports to be scraped, you have to specify prometheus as the type of a pusher in your formula configuration file.


The list of accepted parameters are:

Parameter Type CLI shortcut Default Value Mandatory Description
uri string u No The IP address of your Prometheus instance
port int p N/A Yes The port of communication
tags string t N/A No The Report tags separated by ,
metric_name string M N/A Yes The exposed metric name
metric_description string d "energy consumption" No The exposed metric description
name string n "pusher_prom" No The related pusher name
model string m "PowerReport" No The Report type exposed by Prometheus

Prometheus can only be used as a Destination that monitors reports but they will be not stored by this service. The tags names are metadata keys of reports to be used as labels. If a report doesn't have a provide tag, it will be ignored by the Destination.

JSON File Excerpt

Below you find an example of configuration excerpt for this kind of Destination.

  "type": "prometheus",
  "uri": "",
  "port": 8080,
  "metric_name": test